Tuesday, January 21, 2025

How To Contact Boycott Chinese Products

E-mail:   r.markert@fightcommunistchina.orgWhatsApp: 00216 288 63 743Reinhard MarkertBoulevard 14 Janvier4039 Sousse / Tunisia

China the world champion in imprisoning, punishing and making people disappear READ MORE BY CLICKING ON THIS LINE

China is the world champion in imprisoning, punishing and making people disappear. Anyone who dares to contradict the Chinese Communist Party is threatened, put in...

Why you should not buy a Chinese product!

Why you should not buy Chinese products. China maintains large concentration camps where people are imprisoned, tortured, and sometimes raped. China is the only country in...

China maintains the largest concentration camp in the world, where people are not only imprisoned but also tortured and raped. READ MORE BY CLICKING...

China maintains the largest concentration camp in the world, where people are not only imprisoned but also tortured and raped. If you don’t believe me,...